August 19, 2020
REMINDER: MA Annual Sales Tax Holiday
Weekend Set for August 29-30, 2020
RAM members are reminded that the Annual Massachusetts Sales Tax Holiday has been set for the weekend of August 29-30, 2020. For detailed information regarding the event please review the MA Department of Revenue's (DOR) Sales Tax Holiday regulation and FAQs.
MA Reduces Gathering Limit
Businesses to Continue Following Sector Specific Occupancy Rules
On August 7th, Governor Baker issued an updated order pertaining to limits on public and private gatherings in the Commonwealth which reduces the limit on outdoor gatherings from 100 to 50 people, while the indoor gatherings limit remains at 25 people. RAM members are advised that businesses permitted to open their brick-and-mortar premises to workers and the public under Phase III of the state's reopening plan are not subject to this new general gathering standard. Such businesses must instead continue to comply with the occupancy provisions contained in the applicable sector-specific safety protocols and recommended best practices issued by the state. The retail specific guidance for example allows for retailers to operate at 50% occupancy.
AG Healey Issues Advisory to Small Businesses about Protections under State's Eviction Moratorium
Provides Additional Information to Small Businesses about Protections and Resources
Attorney General Maura Healey has issued an updated advisory to small businesses across Massachusetts regarding the protections provided under the state’s eviction moratorium The updated advisory, originally published in March, provides a wide range of information and resources for small business owners. The advisory was recently updated with information regarding the Massachusetts Eviction and Foreclosure Moratorium, which, in many circumstances, forbids landlords from evicting small business tenants for the duration of the moratorium. However, the moratorium does not relieve a small business tenant from the obligation to pay rent or restrict a landlord’s ability to evict a small business tenant for failing to pay past due rent after the moratorium ends. The AG’s Office is also currently providing information that small businesses can use to connect them with resources that they may need, including information about loans and grants, rent abatement, insurance coverage, and ways to cut expenses.
To continue reading the Attorney Generals press release, click here.
RAM Members Invited to Participate in The Commonwealth Institute's 2020 Women's Leadership Survey
Deadline Extended to September 15, 2020
RAM is pleased to partner with The Commonwealth Institute (TCI) on its Women's Leadership Development in Massachusetts 2020 Impact Study, the 3rd annual state-wide study focused on understanding employers' actions to develop, retain, and advance women employees in Massachusetts. RAM members are invited to participate in the survey.
TCI has partnered with the nationally recognized research firm Researchscape to conduct the research and provide the analysis for this project. For validity of the research, each organization will receive a unique URL to access their copy of the survey. If you'd like to participate in the research, please email [email protected] to receive your organization's unique URL. Please note that all responses will remain confidential The deadline to participate is has been extended to September 15, 2020. RAM is proud to be involved with this important initiative and encourages members to participate.