April 29, 2022


Small Business Tax Survey

This November, Massachusetts voters will have before them a Constitutional Amendment which will place a 4% income tax surcharge (on top of the existing 5%) for those residents earning $1 Million or more.  The RAM Board of Directors will be considering whether to take a position on this question at an upcoming meeting.  The Board could vote to support, oppose, or stay neutral on the question.  One of the critical considerations which should be looked at prior to taking a position on the so-called “Millionaires Tax” Constitutional Amendment is the tax structure of our members.  For instance, members which  are  “pass-through” entities may be disproportionately harmed under this tax increase.  We are attempting to determine how many of our members fit into that category.  Please, click here, and take 5 minutes to respond to this important member survey.  Thank you!