If you've enjoyed the ease and savings provided by RAM's Workers Comp Program, health insurance, or other benefits, then you'll absolutely love RAM's Multiple Employer 401k Plan
RAM and Lincoln Financial Group cordially invite you and your financial adviser to a free webinar:
“The Best of Both Worlds,
The Power of a MEP
With Your
Own Adviser”
JULY 14TH at 10:00 am or 2:00 pm and July 16TH at 10:00 am or 2:00 pm
In this webinar we’re going to show you…
- The efficiencies created through a Multiple Employer Retirement Plan
- How banding together can deliver fortune 500 services to small to mid-sized businesses
- How we value your trusted financial adviser as a partner to help you and your employees reach their retirement dreams
So, if you want to save time, liability, and cost--all while maintaining that trusted adviser relationship, then you don't want to miss our free webinar!
Please register and forward along to your financial adviser to also register. If you cannot attend, we are happy to welcome your adviser on your behalf! Don't wait--space is limited, and this event is filling up quickly. Click on the link below to register for the date and time you wish to participate. July 14th @ 10AM ET. July 14th @ 2PM ET. July 16th @10AM ET. July 16th @2PM ET.