January 15. 2021
MA Small Business Grant Application Deadline Extended
The Massachusetts Growth Capital Corporation (MGCC), administrator of the Massachusetts Small Business Grant Program, has announced an extension of the program’s application deadline to Monday, January 18, 2021 at 11:59 PM. To apply and learn more about the program click here. Please note that a number of members who appeared to fall outside the program’s eligibility guidelines have been able to secure grants. For example, a PPP loan recipient was awarded a grant during the first round of the program despite the eligibility guidelines excluding businesses with access to other relief capital. RAM encourages all members in need of relief funding to consider submitting an application prior to Monday’s deadline.
PPP Webinar Monday, January 25
The Massachusetts SBA District Office is collaborating with RAM to provide an update on the Paycheck Protection Program and a Q&A session on all the latest news related to COVID relief.
Join the SBA’s Massachusetts District Office on Monday, January 25th at 9am for an overview on all of the new relief programs available through the recently passed Consolidated Appropriations Act, including:
- PPP Second Draw Key Dates & Changes
- PPP Forgiveness
- Expanded Eligible Expenses
- Shuttered Venue Operators Grant
- Debt Relief Program Extension
- Traditional SBA Lending Modifications
- Repeal of EIDL Advance Deduction
Gov. Baker Signs Economic Development Law, Includes Fix for Retail Premium Pay Repeal
Last night, Gov. Charlie Baker signed into law a major economic development bill, including the technical fix to the retail premium pay law repeal agreed to more than two years ago. Due to a drafting error at the time the “Grand Bargain” was struck in 2018, three holidays were omitted from the list of those scheduled for repeal. All Sundays and holidays are now on the same declining schedule for premium pay – currently 1.2 times the regular rate of pay – until full repeal on January 1, 2023. A summary of the law is as follows:
- Economic Development, H.5250
- Includes the RAM priority holiday premium pay fix to the Grand Bargain, Sections 74 & 75 (New Year’s Day, Columbus Day and Veteran’s Day)
- Includes a provision to cap restaurant third party delivery fees at 15% during the COVID-19 state-of-emergency, Section 98
- Includes a provision relative to tip pooling, to allow QSR employees who prepare/serve as part of a team of counter staff to receive tips on days they have no managerial responsibility, Section 77
- Includes hundreds of millions of dollars in grant and loan funds, and significant housing reforms
The Governor also recently signed into law the Craft brewers/distribution bill, H.5249, and a Transportation Bond bill, H.5248, which includes:
- per ride fee increases on TNC companies (Uber, Lyft)
- billions in new bonding authority
- Does NOT include a gas tax increase, or authorization of regional ballot initiatives to fund local transportation projects
The Governor vetoed a last-minute agreement on a climate change bill, S.2995, that is sure to be refiled early in the new Legislature. That bill will join unemployment insurance taxes on the early session agenda. Gov. Baker has already filed a UI rate freeze bill that would also allow the state to borrow on its own, rather than from the federal government, to lower interest costs as they pay down billions in UI trust fund liability over the next few years. Employers face a 60% per employee increase in UI taxes this first quarter, if no action is taken. This is sure to be an early priority for the Governor and the new legislature.
Updated 2021 Retail Holiday Schedule
RAM has issued a revised 2021 Retail Holiday Calendar to reflect changes to the retail premium pay requirement for work performed on New Year’s Day, Columbus Day and Veteran’s Day. Retailers currently required to pay employees 1.5 times their regular rate of pay for work performed on these three holidays may reduce the premium pay rate to 1.2 times for Columbus Day and Veteran’s Day in 2021. Starting in 2022 premium pay required on all seven retail holidays may be further reduced to 1.1 times, before being completely eliminated in 2023.