January 7, 2021
Gov. Baker Extends Capacity and Gathering Limits Through January 24, Retail & Restaurants Remain at 25%
Today, Governor Charlie Baker announced the extension of the current capacity and gathering restrictions to help stop the spread of COVID-19 in the Commonwealth. Industry restrictions for capacity limits and reduced gathering limits went into effect on Saturday, December 26th, and will now be extended for at least two more weeks to January 24th. Under the current restrictions extended today, most industries in Massachusetts remain subject to a 25% capacity limit, including:
- Restaurants (based on permitted seating capacity)
- Retail Businesses
- Office Spaces
- Lodging (for common areas)
- Arcades and Indoor Recreation Businesses
- Museums, Cultural Facilities and Guided Tours
- And more…
Workers and staff do NOT count towards the occupancy count for restaurants or retail businesses. Also, where no licensed or permitted capacity allowance is on record and for any enclosed space within a larger facility, occupancy shall be limited to no more than 5 persons per 1,000 square feet. All other rules and restrictions in each sector-specific guidance will continue to remain in effect. The current gathering limits are also extended. Indoor gatherings will remain limited to 10 people. Outdoor gatherings will remain limited to 25 people outside. The gatherings limit applies to private homes, event venues and public spaces. Click here for more information on the current limits.
REMINDER: Please Take a Moment to Let Us Know About your Holiday Sales
If you haven't already responded, please take a minute and click here to provide us information about how your December Holiday Sales were compared to last December. As the voice of the retail industry in Massachusetts, RAM is frequently called upon to discuss the state of our industry, consumer trends and important retail topics, such as holiday sales. In an effort to adequately monitor and report on this year's retail holiday sales figures we ask RAM members to provide us with sales gain/loss numbers over a same period one year ago. Thank you for your participation.
Small Business PPP Update Webinar and Program Guidance
On Wednesday, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and Treasury issued guidance on the third round of lending through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). The guidance consists of the following two interim final rules.
RAM members are invited to participate in the National Retail Federation’s upcoming Small Business PPP Update Webinar on Tuesday, January 12, 2021 from 3:00pm to 4:00pm to learn more about these rules and the changes to the program. Advanced registration is required-to register click here. Members with questions that they would like addressed on the webinar may submit them to Meghan Cruz at [email protected] no later than Monday, January 11 at 11:00am.