March 5, 2024

Electric Vehicle Ultra-fast Charging Pilot
Are you interested in hosting an Ultra-fast EV charging site?
RAM has recently been involved in talks with an Electric Vehicle (EV) ultra-fast-charging service provider who is looking for sites in Eastern Massachusetts to host their high-powered chargers. We are exploring this opportunity as a potential added member benefit that would be a win for both you and your customers!
Potential retail/restaurant hosts must:
- Be located in Eastern MA;
- own the property;
- have 2-4 available parking spaces to host the charging site.
The provider is looking for twenty or more sites to launch in Eastern MA. Their high-tech equipment provides up to 150-mile range charge in just 10 minutes, allowing for frequent turnover of available spots. If you are interested in exploring this opportunity further, please email RAM with the subject “EV Charging Pilot” and include brief details on your site location, business name, address, and number of total parking spots on your property.
Watch your Mail

The Center for Health Information and Analysis (CHIA) is in the process of mailing their Massachusetts Employee Survey (MES).
The MES is a biennial survey that asks a representative sample of Massachusetts employers to share their experiences and challenges in offering health insurance and related benefits to their employees. The MES tracks and monitors employer health insurance offerings, employee take-up rates, health insurance premiums, employer contribution amounts, plan characteristics, and employer decision making. The information generated by this critical survey is an important way to make sure those involved in the decision making process understand what is truly happening in our retail community. RAM encourages any members who receive this survey to take the time to fill it out. Thank you.