April 7 E-news

Governor Baker Issues Further Order on Grocery Store Customer Limits, Preempts Local Boards of Health

Today, Gov. Baker and the MA Department of Public Health (DPH), issued further guidance relative to grocery stores providing essential services.  The guidance is here.
This guidance dictates that a grocery store shall limit occupancy to 40% of its maximum permitted occupancy level, including both customers and employees.  Stores with a maximum occupancy of 25 or less are exempt from this requirement.  The order prohibits local Boards of Health from enforcing their own stricter limits.

MA Updates List of Essential Services FAQs
Today, the state reissued an updated list of its “COVID-19 Essential Services FAQs.” The list contains a number of new additions, including a new section focused on the “Distribution of Goods in Ecommerce and Distribution Centers.”
The updated list is here
The update clarifies that operations that “offer only products such as furniture, most clothing for consumer purchase, cosmetics, jewelry, recreational equipment, or other consumer specialty items are not COVID-19 Essential Services.  These operations are required to close their bricks-and-mortar locations in Massachusetts and may not remain open in order to conduct e-commerce.”


During this difficult time, many restaurants are offering free or discounted meals and other food and drink deals to thank our first responders and health-care workers—those on the front lines of the battle against COVID-19.  The Attorney General’s Office (AGO) is compiling a list of such offers as a resource to our frontline workers and as a way to promote those businesses offering such support. 

If your establishment has a special offer for our front-line workers and you wish to have your business included on the AGO’s website listing, please complete this following form

Questions can be sent to [email protected].  We appreciate all that you are doing.

RAM Members Invited to join NFIB Call with Agency Leadership
Robert "Bob" Nelson
District Director, U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)

Mike Kennealy
Massachusetts Secretary of Housing and Economic Development

Friday, April 10
12:00 PM Noon

Dial-in: +1 629-255-0324
Conference ID: 167 482 120#

You can also join using Microsoft Teams Meeting by clicking here.

RSVP is not required but appreciated due to possible space limitations.

Robert "Bob" Nelson, District Director, U.S. SBA, and Mike Kennealy, Massachusetts Secretary of Housing and Economic Development would like to share about efforts related to, but not limited to:
  • Paycheck Protection Program Loans
  • Economic Disaster Injury Loans
  • Grant Programs
Comments, Questions, and Answers
All call participants will be muted. Instructions for live comments and questions will be provided. If you would like to submit your question before the call so that the speakers have time to research if necessary, contact  [email protected].

Sharing your stories and questions is important to help government officials understand the economic impact of COVID-19 and in their decision making.