A top priority for RAM early in this legislative session is a return of the Sales Tax Holiday (STH) in 2015. Legislation was filed on our behalf at the beginning of this session to establish August 15-16, 2015, as a Sales Tax Holiday weekend. RAM staff has been laying the groundwork, discussing the issue with legislators over the past few months, and recently contracted with a consultant to study the overall economic impacts of the Sales Tax Holiday. It is our belief that this study will show the positive added economic benefits to the Commonwealth that result from a tax free weekend and this will further support our lobbying efforts. We are requesting that all RAM members, particularly those who have benefited from past holidays, click here to take this brief confidential survey to assist in the data collection for the study.
Also, RAM recently paid to add a question regarding consumer interest in future tax free weekends to a broader statewide poll. That question and the results are here:
If the Massachusetts Legislature and Governor re-authorize future Sales Tax Holidays, how likely will you be to participate by shopping nearby and keeping your consumer dollars local instead of buying online or in New Hampshire:
Very likely 48%
Somewhat likely 24
Not very likely 17
Not likely at all 11
(Don't know) 1
With 72% of respondents indicating that they are somewhat likely/very likely to participate in future tax free weekends it is obvious that the Sales Tax Holiday remains popular with consumers and keeps their spending local. This is an important message to deliver to the decision makers on Beacon Hill. But as retailers who can attest to the tremendous benefits of past holidays, your real life experiences provide the greatest feedback and are easily the most important messages to our overall lobbying effort.
Please do take a moment to click here to complete this survey and be sure to contact your legislators and ask them to bring back the Sales Tax Holiday in 2015. Thank you.